12/21/2022 Elementary school student paints Christmas card motif for the mayor12/21/2022Joachim Weber thanks all the children for taking part in the painting competitionRead more
12/21/2022 Konz: On duty at Christmas12/21/2022Mayor Weber thanks employees of the police, the DRK and the railway signal boxRead more
12/13/2022 Public announcement of the Rhineland-Palatinate noise mapping12/13/2022... and about the establishment of a noise action plan as an overall plan for Rhineland-PalatinateRead more
12/12/2022 Pre-marketing for free fiber optic connections in Wawern will start in early 202312/12/2022Free fiber optic connection for around 300 households and businessesRead more
12/09/2022 Repair Café of the Turngemeinde Konz 1885 eV takes place again12/09/2022Volunteers help with repairs of all kinds free of chargeRead more
12/08/2022 Online appointments for the citizens' office and trade office12/08/2022Now new for the Verbandsgemeinde of KonzRead more
Dietmar Grundheber12/08/2022 Ice stock sport in Konz at the youth center12/08/2022Winter fun for the whole family, friends and colleaguesRead more
12/06/2022 Nationwide warning day 202212/06/2022The next nationwide warning day will take place on December 8th, 2022.Read more
11/30/2022 Advent in the city library Konz11/30/2022New range of films and series, vouchers and Christmas booksRead more
11/30/2022 Waves: Hans Dostert passed in the local council11/30/2022Mayor resigns – new elections next yearRead more
11/28/2022 Project of the state RLP: Interpreters wanted!11/28/2022Online information event on December 1, 2022Read more
11/28/2022 Lively advent calendar in Konz-Karthaus11/28/2022Karthaus is preparing for Christmas together and Christmas Eve with the Kolping Family can take place againRead more
11/25/2022 Refurbishment of the B51 - change in traffic routing11/25/2022It is expected that on November 28, 2022, the traffic routing will be changed for the renovation of the Konz laneRead more
Dominik Schnith11/23/2022 "Is our prosperity running out of "juice"? - Municipal and global perspectives of the energy transition"11/23/2022Next event of the Politische Salon Konz on 27.11. 2022 in the restaurant "Wasserliescher Hof" (Wasserliesch)Read more
11/22/2022 Konz: Weeping willow on the banks of the Saar is felled11/22/2022Why experts recommend the projectRead more
11/18/2022 Construction work on the banks of the Saar: Can the weeping willow be preserved?11/18/2022Expert committee "AG Baum" looks at the situation on siteRead more
Dominik Schnith11/17/2022 Shaping democracy together – join now!11/17/2022Project call of the partnership for democracy in the municipality of KonzRead more
11/16/2022 B 419 - traffic restrictions due to half-way closure between Nittel and Rehlingen11/16/2022From November 21, 2022 until probably December 30, 2022, there will be a half-way closure on the B 419 in the area of two retaining wallsRead more
11/13/2022 National Day of Mourning: The city and VG Konz commemorate the victims of war and violence11/13/2022Event at the memorial "On the Jump"Read more
11/11/2022 Moselle Franconia recognized again as a LEADER region11/11/2022Three million euros in funding for the years 2023 to 2029Read more
11/10/2022 Gray becomes colorful – fourth-graders from the daycare center in Konz conjure up color on the junction box11/10/2022Joint project of Westenergie and the city of KonzRead more
11/09/2022 Regional Democracy Conference: "House of Cards Europe?"11/09/2022Online discussion on the topic: Effects of nationalist tendencies on the EU using the example of FranceRead more
Kryszons, David11/09/2022 New bookcase in Nittel11/09/2022The new exchange for books that have already been read is located on the newly designed square at the community centerRead more
11/09/2022 Construction work on converting the exit ramp at the B 51/K 112 junction near Tawern begins11/09/2022The complete closure will be set up on November 14th and will remain in place for the entire construction periodRead more
11/08/2022 City Library Conc City Library Konz: New offer in the Onleihe11/08/2022"ZEIT Akademie" courses are available to registered usersRead more
11/07/2022 Commemoration of National Day of Mourning 202211/07/2022A memorial service will be held on November 13, 2022 to commemorate the victims of war and acts of violenceRead more
11/04/2022 Fiber optic expansion in Konz continues11/04/2022In 2023, around 2,600 households and company locations are to be connectedRead more
11/03/2022 City Library Conc filmfriend - A stream comes true!11/03/2022With filmfriend, the library card becomes a passport that enables discoveries into the wide world of film: lots of feature films, documentaries and children's films for free on filmfriend.de or on the television.Read more
11/03/2022 Konz saves energy with Christmas lights11/03/2022Fewer stars and tails shine shorterRead more
11/02/2022 215,000 euros for the village square in the municipality of Nittel11/02/2022Interior Minister Michael Ebling has announced that the Nittel municipality will receive a subsidy of EUR 215,000 from the Rhineland-Palatinate village renewal program.Read more
11/02/2022 Process of firewood auction/allocation in the forest district11/02/2022Due to the great demand for firewood, the firewood in the forest district is allocated in the form of an auctionRead more
10/28/2022 TAXES Property tax: Deadline extended to January 31, 202310/28/2022Do not wait until the end of the deadline - help with the declarationRead more
10/27/2022 Preliminary information: closure of the B 51 exit to Tawern and full closure of the K 112 near Tawern10/27/2022LBM Trier announces that the exit branch from the B 51 Konz - Könen bypass in the direction of Tawern will probably be completely closed from November 7th, 2022.Read more
10/27/2022 Concert on the restored harmonies in the Roscheider Hof open-air museum10/27/2022... on Sunday, November 6th, 2022 at 4:00 p.mRead more
10/27/2022 Saarstraße in Konz: construction crane makes full closure necessary10/27/2022After coordination with LBM, the complete closure will not take place until NovemberRead more
10/20/2022 LBM: Half-way closure of the Saar bridge in Konz10/20/2022October 24th to 28th, 2022: temporary traffic lights at SaarbrückeRead more
10/20/2022 Stories are being read aloud again in the city library of Konz10/20/2022Program for Reading Day 2022Read more
10/19/2022 Student family calendar 2023 available now10/19/2022KODO and his friends plant future treesRead more
10/19/2022 Dates for the Martin parades in the VG Konz10/19/2022Colorful lanterns, singing and a rider in a red cloakRead more
10/19/2022 Konz: Maierspark can now be entered after the redesign10/19/2022Mayors and representatives of the city and VG council release areasRead more
10/17/2022 United in diversity - visit to the EU Parliament in Strasbourg10/17/2022Action of the partnership for democracy in the VG Konz in cooperation with the action group "Lifelong Learning"Read more
10/17/2022 Administrative offices closed on Friday10/17/2022On October 21, 2022 our employees will not be availableRead more
10/17/2022 Fiber optic expansion in Konz-Oberemmel is coming10/17/2022The required quotas in Krettnach and Kommlingen were already reached in SeptemberRead more
10/17/2022 Thanksgiving party for volunteer fire brigades in the VG Konz10/17/2022Corona, floods and wildfires have placed a great deal of strain on emergency servicesRead more
10/12/2022 Construction work on the banks of the Saar in Konz: changed traffic management from Monday10/12/2022Diversion from the direction of Filzen-Hamm will be set upRead more
10/11/2022 Reading Summer 2022: Pick up the prices now!10/11/2022Successful summer reading campaign in the city library in Konz has endedRead more
10/10/2022 LBM: Wiltinger Kupp closed on October 12, 202210/10/2022Cleaning work on the K 133 between Konz and WiltingenRead more
10/06/2022 Digitization in the Konz City Library is progressing10/06/2022Media inventory is converted to RFID technologyRead more
10/05/2022 State Office for Taxes: Notices of property tax reform from mid-October at the earliest10/05/2022Due to the very high workload of the tax offices, they ask for a little patience and refrain from asking about the dispatch of the notificationsRead more
10/05/2022 Sustainable drinking bottles for first graders in Nittel10/05/2022Representatives of the association of municipalities and Westenergie present environmentally friendly gifts to schoolchildrenRead more
10/04/2022 It is not possible to drive through the street "Am Markt" in Konz10/04/2022Sewer renovation work on Wednesday, October 5, 2022 - parking spaces still accessibleRead more
09/29/2022 Konz: A breakfast that unites nations09/29/2022Intercultural breakfast promotes direct encounters between people from different countries of originRead more
Dominik Schnith09/29/2022 Information board makes a place of remembrance visible09/29/2022Project highlights the air raid of September 1, 1944Read more
09/23/2022 Intercultural weeks in Konz until October 3rd09/23/2022The 14th Intercultural Weeks in Konz started last Wednesday and will take place until October 3rdRead more
09/21/2022 United in diversity - visit of the EU Commission in Brussels09/21/2022Another educational trip on October 6th; this time to StrasbourgRead more
09/21/2022 A suitcase full of books from Ukraine09/21/2022Project of the Goethe-Institut in the city library KonzRead more
09/15/2022 TO BUILD New building plots in Konz-Obermennig!09/15/2022In Konz-Obermennig, eight fully developed building plots are available for sale in the "Hinter Mennig" building area. Interested parties can apply from September 19, 2022 to October 10, 2022.Read more
09/14/2022 K 110 - resurfacing between Onsdorf and Tawern under full closure09/14/2022Construction work is expected to start on September 20, 2022Read more
09/13/2022 B51 between Trier & Konz: Road rehabilitation begins09/13/2022All current information from the LBM on construction sections and diversionsRead more
09/12/2022 Elementary schools in the city and VG Konz digitally equipped09/12/2022Measures implemented using funds from the digital pact as far as possibleRead more
09/07/2022 Digital stele at the marketplace is a new "signpost" for Konz09/07/2022Interactive city map shows shops, restaurants and opening timesRead more
09/02/2022 Renaturation of the Mannesbach: second construction phase begins09/02/2022On September 5, 2022, work will begin outside of Tawern, from Talbachhütte in the direction of MannebachRead more
09/02/2022 B51 - redevelopment between Konz and Trier09/02/2022Information from the LBM on the construction work from September 14thRead more
09/01/2022 Fire brigades in the VG Konz are looking for active members09/01/2022About a busy summer and the possibilities of getting involved with the fire brigadeRead more
08/29/2022 Kommlingen, Krettnach & Oberemmel: Free fiber optic connection until August 30, 202208/29/2022Westenergie Broadband wants to expand fiber optic networkRead more
08/29/2022 VHS Konz informs: German courses for Ukrainian refugees08/29/2022Dates and registration informationRead more
08/29/2022 Forest Day 2022 - Your forester will take you into the forest!08/29/2022Registrations for the forest walk until September 10, 2022Read more
08/29/2022 Registration for the elementary schools in the city and VG Konz08/29/2022The enrollment of new students for the 2023/2024 school year will take place on the dates listed belowRead more
08/26/2022 New kitchen for all-day care in the Wasserliesch day-care center08/26/2022High-efficiency appliances allow more children to have lunch thereRead more
08/25/2022 event Children's play "The Little Witch"08/25/2022The city of Konz presents the children's play "The Little Witch" by Otfried Preussler.Read more
08/22/2022 Commuter bike route planned in Konz08/22/2022The City of Konz Committee for Building, Urban Development and Environmental Protection gives the go-ahead for initial measuresRead more
08/19/2022 New "bridge" in Konz to help squirrels across the street08/19/2022Rope construction has been installed to prevent accidentsRead more
Dominik Schnith08/19/2022 Third MoselCleanUp - Karthaus is back!08/19/2022The MoselCleanUp will take place for the third time on September 10thRead more
08/17/2022 News from the city library08/17/2022Reading summer and events from September 2022Read more
08/15/2022 Konz Music Festival starts on September 9th, 2022 with ten top-class concerts08/15/2022Details on the program and advance bookingRead more
08/15/2022 The Konzer-Doktor community foundation is looking for reading sponsors for Tawern08/15/2022There are currently very few reading mentors available for the Tawern primary school, which is why we are urgently looking for more volunteer reading and learning mentorsRead more
08/12/2022 German Ambassador in Luxembourg as a guest in Konz08/12/2022Ullrich Wilhelm Klöckner puts his name in the city's "Golden Book".Read more
08/10/2022 LBM: Construction work at Tawern will start in mid-August08/10/2022Conversion of the exit ramp at the B51/K112 junction near Tawern, as well as other smaller construction measures along the B51Read more
08/10/2022 Konz-Oberemmel: The Fallweiher area is being redesigned08/10/2022Restoration measures for Bach are scheduled to start this yearRead more
08/09/2022 Drought visible in many places in the VG Konz08/09/2022Where the administration irrigates trees and why artificial irrigation is sometimes dispensed withRead more
08/05/2022 Ehrenstifter wine tasting 2022 - reserve tickets now08/05/2022Donors, donors and supporters can now reserve their tickets via the foundation's website.Read more
Erhard Beck08/05/2022 St. Rochus wine fair in Nittel takes place again08/05/2022Program Details (19-22 August 2022)Read more
08/04/2022 Mayor Weber thanks helpers from all over the region for their support with extinguishing work08/04/2022Wildfire in Konz-Oberemmel: Joint action prevented the flames from spreading to the forestRead more
08/04/2022 New welcome signs at the town entrances in Pellingen08/04/2022The Friendship Group Bretenière – Pellingen e.V. had new welcome signs designed and installedRead more
08/03/2022 New multi-purpose playing field inaugurated in Konz08/03/2022Mayor Weber and District Administrator Metzdorf “kick” with studentsRead more
08/03/2022 Konz cycles for a good climate08/03/2022Verbandsgemeinde of Konz supports the Climate Alliance campaign CITY CYCLINGRead more
08/01/2022 Children's play town "Wuselkusen" opened in Konz08/01/2022Mayor Joachim Weber hands over the keys to the youth centerRead more
08/01/2022 Reading sponsors wanted for schools in Wiltingen08/01/2022The project will start again after the summer holidaysRead more
Dominik Schnith08/01/2022 Discover and understand Europe08/01/2022Registrations for the educational trip to Brussels are possibleRead more
07/21/2022 Business "Reception of the economy" this year at Volvo in Konz-Könen07/21/2022Local economy discusses the energy transition and current developmentsRead more
07/15/2022 Corona changes the children's program at the home and wine festival07/15/2022Instead of children's theater now magic show on the market squareRead more
07/13/2022 Groundbreaking ceremony for the redesign of the banks of the Saar in Konz07/13/2022River area in the Saarstraße should be more beautifulRead more
07/12/2022 Longer opening times for the citizens' office in Konz07/12/2022Re-registrations and applications for ID documents are now even more flexibleRead more
07/08/2022 Konz: Construction work in Maierspark completed07/08/2022Recovery time for nature has begunRead more
07/08/2022 Konz: Fiber optic expansion in the Wiltinger Straße area07/08/2022The executing company will try to keep the disruption as short and minimal as possibleRead more
07/08/2022 Konz: Safety work on the embankment in the "Schwester-Marcellina-Weg" area07/08/2022Footpath partially closed from July 19, 2022Read more
07/07/2022 With the e-bike on a business trip07/07/2022Westenergie sponsors two e-bikes for administrative employeesRead more
07/07/2022 Information events on fiber optic expansion in Kommlingen, Krettnach and Oberemmel07/07/2022Westenergie Broadband will inform all interested parties on July 21, 2022 in Krettnach and on August 11, 2022 in OberemmelRead more
07/06/2022 Information on the property tax reform07/06/2022Declarations can be submitted online from July 2022Read more
07/05/2022 event "Golden Poison" - Come, sweet death.07/05/2022Reading with Tom Hillenbrand on Friday, October 07, 2022 at 7:30 p.mRead more
07/05/2022 event whiskey and murder07/05/2022High-proof whiskey murder stories on Friday, October 14th and Friday, October 21st, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. in the city library of KonzRead more
07/04/2022 Alfred Weinandy becomes the new arbitrator for VG Konz07/04/2022Volunteer arbitrators help when a court case is imminentRead more
Dominik Schnith07/04/2022 Youth forum of the partnership for democracy invites you to the festival “Konz wird laut #3”07/04/2022This time the youth event is entitled "For Diversity and Tolerance".Read more
Dietmar Grundheber07/04/2022 The Konz youth center celebrates its 45th anniversary07/04/2022"Meet & Greet" evening on July 8, 2022Read more
07/01/2022 Reading summer in the Konzer city library starts on July 11, 202207/01/2022Nationwide summer campaign very popular with children and young peopleRead more
Construction work on the Berendsgraben in KonzSewer rehabilitation and subsequent restoration of the creekRead more
06/29/2022 Who burns for the Moselle?06/29/2022Appeal from the regional initiative for the Brenner Day in the Moselle region: Co-creators wanted!Read more
06/24/2022 "Management is fun for us"06/24/2022Apprentices from the Konz municipal administration talk about their everyday lifeRead more
06/22/2022 House for children organizes children's bazaar06/22/2022Everything to do with children is sold - from clothing and toys to (baby) accessoriesRead more
06/21/2022 New wind turbines in Pellingen officially inaugurated06/21/2022Systems can supply all private households in the Konz municipality with electricityRead more
06/15/2022 From the mouth of the Saar in Konz to the summit of the Donon06/15/2022Ultra runner Martin Schedler visits Konzer town hallRead more
06/14/2022 Homeland and wine festival takes place again after Corona06/14/2022Information on the program and traffic regulationsRead more
06/13/2022 News about fiber optic expansion in the Konz districts of Kommlingen, Krettnach and Oberemmel06/13/2022Westenergie Broadband informs all interested parties on June 22, 2022 & distance measurementsRead more
06/13/2022 Konz-Könen: More than 50 years of town twinning with Charny06/13/2022After Corona, celebrations were possible againRead more
06/10/2022 Konz-Karthaus: Climate-neutral concrete blocks for the square at the evangelical church06/10/2022Manufacturer presents certificate for saved CO2Read more
06/08/2022 Defibrillator in the Konzer Stadium should save lives in an emergency06/08/2022The city of Konz supports clubs in purchasing the deviceRead more
06/02/2022 Ideas competition volunteering 4.0 – 202206/02/2022Organisations, projects or initiatives can now applyRead more
06/02/2022 Country awards civil courage prize06/02/2022Every year, the Minister of the Interior and Sport honors people who have acted courageously and with civil courage in extraordinary situations.Read more
06/02/2022 Pre-marketing for new fiber optic connections in Kommlingen, Krettnach and Oberemmel starts06/02/2022More than 1,000 households could benefit from the expansion of high-speed Internet right into the homeRead more
06/02/2022 Property tax - return submission possible from July 202206/02/2022Close relatives may help to submit the declarationRead more
05/30/2022 Brunch at the Saar-Moselle estuary05/30/2022Picnic and brunch concert on July 3rd, 2022 in KonzRead more
05/27/2022 Volunteer reading mentors wanted05/27/2022After the Corona break, the project of the Konzer-Doktor-Bürgerstiftung is to be continued in late summerRead more
05/23/2022 New place at the evangelical church05/23/2022Inauguration as part of the district festival in Konz-KarthausRead more
05/23/2022 Konz: Change of date for the fiber optic info mobile05/23/2022Infomobile from May 31, 2022 on the Saar-Mosel-PlatzRead more
05/20/2022 Last call for the submission of LEADER projects in Moselle francs in the 2014-2022 funding period05/20/2022Funding can be requested until August 1stRead more
05/18/2022 Kick-off event: Village renewal in Temmels05/18/2022Join us - actively for the future!Read more
Dominik Schnith05/18/2022 Celebrate together - Karthaus district festival on May 22, 202205/18/2022Program, stands & offers ...Read more
05/17/2022 Nittel: 480 additional gigabit connections in operation05/17/2022Fiber optic expansion took place throughout the local area, including the districts of Köllig and RehlingenRead more
05/11/2022 Clubs are happy about LEADER grants05/11/2022LAG Moselfranken gives the green light for 25 new projectsRead more
05/11/2022 New drinking water dispenser in conc05/11/2022At the push of a button, there is now free drinking water for everyoneRead more
05/10/2022 Konz: Mona Ameziane on June 24, 2022 in the Karthaus monastery05/10/2022The well-known author and radio presenter reads from her book "Auf Basidis Dach"Read more
05/06/2022 Konz: Sustainable heat and electricity from the sewage treatment plant05/06/2022Work could be completed earlier than plannedRead more
05/05/2022 Konz: The city's building yard is testing sustainable e-chargers05/05/2022Construction machinery manufacturer Volvo from Konz-Könen provides electric wheel loadersRead more
05/05/2022 Fiber optic network for the VG Konz: Tawern, Wasserliesch and Wiltingen05/05/2022German fiber optics starts bundling demandRead more
05/04/2022 Saar Pedal 2022 on May 15th05/04/2022Car-free cycling fun on the Saar from Konz to MerzigRead more
05/03/2022 Donations for the reading summer 202205/03/2022City library Konz receives 2,600 euros for children's and youth booksRead more
05/02/2022 Carthusians celebrate district festival05/02/2022Family service, inauguration of the new square and stage programRead more
04/29/2022 Sustainable heat and electricity for the administration building in Konz04/29/2022In the future, a 200 meter long pipe will lead through the earth under the SaarRead more
04/27/2022 Konz City Library and Rotarians support refugees04/27/2022Notebooks and free membership cards for the city library should help with learningRead more
04/25/2022 Help for Ukrainian refugees in Poland04/25/2022The city and municipality of Konz support the Polish twin town of PuckRead more
04/19/2022 City Library Konz: Events are starting again04/19/2022City of Konz presents reading about a murderous string quartetRead more
04/13/2022 Healthy in old age Event series “Healthy in old age”04/13/2022"Healthy in old age" series of events: E-bike safety trainingRead more
04/11/2022 environment Konz cycles for a good climate!04/11/2022Verbandsgemeinde of Konz supports the Climate Alliance campaign CITY CYCLINGRead more
04/11/2022 Postponement of the Pellinger "Dreck-away-Day"04/11/2022New date on Saturday, April 16th, 2022Read more
04/01/2022 Karthaus Monastery is being upgraded for tourism04/01/2022Barrier-free circular route, listening tour and bicycle parkingRead more
03/31/2022 Telekom employees on the move in Konz03/31/2022From Friday, April 1st, 2022, authorized sales staff will be on the road in Konz on behalf of Deutsche TelekomRead more
03/31/2022 "Dirty Way" day in Pellingen03/31/2022Pellingen does spring cleaning together on April 9thRead more
03/30/2022 Konz-Karthaus: Series of events on the topic of "healthy aging"03/30/2022Nutritional advice, e-bike safety training, herbal hike and more ...Read more
03/29/2022 Kolping Family Konz-Karthaus starts the spring with new activities03/29/2022Information about the games evening, the Sunday hike and the Maypole Festival ...Read more
03/28/2022 Volunteers wanted for refugees03/28/2022Caritas, the community association and volunteers present projectsRead more
Dietmar Grundheber03/25/2022 Makerspace in the "House of Youth" in Konz03/25/2022New project for technology freaks, inventors, (prospective) engineers and programmersRead more
03/23/2022 New website of the Konz Association of Municipalities03/23/2022More information, better clarity and closer to the citizenRead more
03/21/2022 Benefit concert for Ukraine03/21/2022on Thursday, March 31, 2022, at 7.30 p.m. in the parish and town church of St. Nikolaus in KonzRead more
03/18/2022 environment VG Konz relies on climate neutrality03/18/2022Verbandsgemeinde of Konz relies on climate neutrality and more independence in the energy supply and more independence in the energy supply. Heat and electricity from the region for the regionRead more
Kai Myller, © © Kai Myller03/18/2022 "Juri and the Alpaca Llama Drama"03/18/2022Children's play in the Konz-Karthaus monasteryRead more
03/15/2022 war in Ukraine03/15/2022Information for helpers and refugees in the municipality of KonzRead more
03/10/2022 Peace rally in front of the town hall in Konz03/10/2022Around 200 people take a stand against the war in UkraineRead more
03/08/2022 First war refugees from Ukraine in Konz03/08/2022Verbandsgemeindeverwaltung offers quick helpRead more
03/03/2022 help Fundraising for Ukraine03/03/2022Fundraising for the Ukraine - an initiative of the mayor and the local council of TemmelsRead more
03/03/2022 help Wanted: housing for Ukrainian war refugees03/03/2022The district and the associated municipality are pooling their effortsRead more
03/03/2022 environment Drink!Water Week 202203/03/2022The local action group (LAG) LEADER Miselerland/Moselfranken has planned several eventsRead more
02/28/2022 Road expansion "old town center" starts02/28/2022New sidewalks, roadways, parking areas and linesRead more
02/28/2022 Who burns for the Moselle?02/28/2022Appeal from the regional initiative for the Brenner Day in the Moselle region: Volunteers wanted!Read more
Dominik Schnith02/28/2022 Series of events: "United in diversity - discover and understand Europe!"02/28/2022An offer from the partnership for democracy in the municipality of KonzRead more
02/25/2022 EuRegio SaarLorLux +: General Assembly elects new President02/25/2022Mayor Weber resigns as chairman after three yearsRead more
02/25/2022 Lots of ideas for the Karthaus monastery02/25/2022City of Konz organizes "future workshop"Read more
02/22/2022 Classic on a Sunday afternoon in the monastery02/22/2022Concert with the "Trio Corleone"Read more
02/16/2022 City Library Konz: Promotion of reading despite the pandemic02/16/2022Livia Peterzelka wins the regional decision in the 2021/22 reading competitionRead more
© fotoVeit.de02/16/2022 Poetry, swing and classical02/16/2022A Kempner evening in the Konz-Karthaus monastery with the Parnass ensembleRead more
02/09/2022 City Library Konz: Three school classes win in a reading campaign02/09/2022Students solve reading puzzlesRead more
02/08/2022 Expansion of the Konz-Krettnach through road begins02/08/2022Joint project of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, the Konz municipal utility and the city of KonzRead more
02/03/2022 FINGHIN COLLINS - "A piano evening in the Konz-Karthaus monastery"02/03/2022BACH, BRAHMS, SCHUBERT and much moreRead more
01/31/2022 Accessible tourism in Konz01/31/2022New connecting path at the "Roscheider Hof" open-air museumRead more
01/31/2022 Holocaust Remembrance Day in Conc01/31/2022Mayor and councilors lay stones to commemorate Jewish victimsRead more
01/31/2022 Partial full closure of the Kommlinger Weg in Konz01/31/2022Works on the water pipes are being carried outRead more
01/31/2022 Funding calls for the submission of LEADER projects in Moselle francs01/31/2022Funding can be requested until April 1stRead more
01/20/2022 Kita renovations in 202201/20/2022Structural improvements in day-care centers in the municipality of KonzRead more
01/20/2022 New offer in the city library Konz01/20/2022Reading Bear helps children to immerse themselves in the world of booksRead more
01/20/2022 Registrations of the "can children" for the school year 2022/202301/20/2022Dates for the elementary schools in the city and municipality of KonzRead more
01/20/2022 education New program of the VHS Konz01/20/2022New program booklet for the VHS KonzRead more
01/20/2022 environment Protection of water bodies in Oberemmel01/20/2022Verbandsgemeindewerke modernize the sewer systemRead more
01/20/2022 Inauguration of the new deputy commander01/20/2022Wasserliesch volunteer fire brigade: inauguration of the new deputy military commanderRead more
01/20/2022 Fiber optic network in Konz is being expanded01/20/20222,400 households can benefitRead more
01/20/2022 New cycle traffic concept Trier-Saarburg01/20/2022Opinions and criticism welcome: public participation until February 20thRead more