tasks of the association
Mandatory tasks of self-government:
- Sponsorship of elementary and secondary schools as well as regional schools
- Fire safety and technical assistance
- Construction and maintenance of central sports, games and leisure facilities
- Construction and maintenance of regional social facilities
- water supply and sewage disposal
- land use planning
- Expansion and maintenance of third-order bodies of water
Order matters as state tasks for the country:
- Registration, passports and identity cards
- road traffic law
- Commercial and hospitality law
- registry office
The Verbandsgemeinde is still responsible in its own name
- the fulfillment of the state tasks assigned to the local communities in accordance with Section 2 (2) of the Municipal Code, unless expressly provided otherwise
- the enforcement of the law on administrative offenses. This also includes compliance with the Danger Prevention Ordinance.
The treasury of the association municipality forms a uniform treasury with the treasury of the local communities. Cash advances can only be taken out by the Verbandsgemeinde.
Organs of the association of municipalities are the mayor as head of the administration of the association of municipalities and the association of municipalities.