registry office

City and municipality of Konz

marriages, partnerships

Marriages, conversion of civil partnerships

Marriages are generally carried out during the opening hours of the registry office.

Since the dates are usually booked quickly, it makes sense to reserve early - especially if you are planning to get married on a Saturday.

If you are at one Day of the week (Monday to Friday) If you would like to get married at the registry office in Konz, we will be happy to take your reservation at least one year in advance opposite.

After the publication of the dates of our wedding saturdays , these can also be reserved in advance. The available Saturdays are generally published on our website in June for the coming year. Marriages are also on Saturdays on the following dates (between 11.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m.) possible:

the official registration of marriage is still possible at the earliest six months before the marriage.

Please note that the marriage must first be registered with the registry office. Your place of residence or the registry office of your habitual residence is responsible for this. The wedding itself can then take place in any registry office in Germany. Registration takes place during the general opening hours of the registry office.

The following documents are required to register the marriage:

  • Birth certificate or a certified copy from the birth register, both available from the birth registry office,
  • valid identity card/passport,
  • extended registration certificate (if the place of residence is outside the Konz municipality).

In addition, if one partner was already married / had established a civil partnership:

  • a marriage/civil partnership certificate of the last marriage/civil partnership with a notice of dissolution or
  • a marriage/civil partnership certificate from the last marriage and a final court decision on the dissolution
  • in the event of the partner's death, the relevant death certificate.

Additionally, if they have children together:

  • children's birth certificates,
  • an acknowledgment of paternity (if the father is not already entered on the birth certificate),
  • Custody Statement, if any.

The documents listed here may differ depending on personal circumstances. We therefore ask you to visit or telephone the registry office.

If one of the spouses is a foreign national , please speak to the registry office before obtaining the documents. You will then receive a concrete list of the required documents and certificates.