Commemoration for Remembrance Day 2023 in Konz
Konz, November 19, 2023
The city of Konz celebrated Remembrance Day 2023 with a commemoration at the “Auf dem Sprung” memorial. Numerous representatives from clubs, associations and local committees were present.
In his speech, Mayor Joachim Weber focused on the situation in the Middle East and emphasized that every victim is a lost human life - no matter where that person lives and what faith they have. “When populations are dehumanized, hate wins. Just as the Nazi regime propagated in Germany for many years. The result was endless suffering and the death of millions of innocent people. The enemies that need to be fought are hatred and fanaticism.”
This year, the commemoration ceremony was organized by students from the Konz high school. The Concordia Konz music association provided the musical setting.
The event ended with a wreath-laying ceremony by the VdK Konz local association and the Konz Volunteer Fire Department as well as a minute's silence.
Remembrance Day commemorates all victims of war and violence.
Here are some impressions of the memorial service: