local community of Kanzem
The local community of Kanzem is scenically located on the lower Saar at the exit of the large Saar loop, the so-called Wiltinger Saarbogen. This section of the Saar has been kept in its natural state to this day, so that the old stream bed has remained unchanged and could be designated as a nature reserve. Since the creation of the Saar Canal between Schoden and Hamm, Kanzem has been in an artificially created island location.
The wine-growing community experienced a traffic connection to the city of Konz through the Kanzemer Saarbrücke. Aristocratic and religious wineries and the resulting villa culture characterize the special feature of Kanzem. Examples of this are the Villa Rautenstrauch on Kirchstraße, the former Le Gallais winery on Saarstraße and the von Othegraven winery and park on the right bank of the Saar.
On the right bank of the Saar - today owned by the Trier seminary - the former winery of the Wadgassen Premonstratensian Abbey is also worth mentioning. The local community was first mentioned in a document in 1030.

Heraldry (Heraldry)
"Parted, above in silver two blue bars, topped with a growing, red, gold-crowned, double-tailed lion, below in blue a silver wavy chevron enclosing a golden vine."
Until the French Revolution, Kanzem belonged to the Wiltingen dominion of the Duchy of Luxembourg. The reduced Luxembourg coat of arms stands for this in the upper part of the shield.
Kanzem = BUB 1030: Camesa. The Bahnname 'asa' from the Indo-European root "as" = to shoot, to rush, is a frequently occurring basic word whose original meaning is "river". The prefix 'cam' may contain the Old High German 'ham' = to take care of, bend, surround. Kanzem is located on the large river loop that the Saar forms in an S-shape between Wiltingen and Filzen.
Canzem means the place in the bend of the river.
The lower part of the shield reflects the geographic location and the meaning of the place name with the wave rafter, which symbolizes the Saar. The golden bunch of grapes surrounded by the wave rafter is an indication of the acquisition structure: viticulture.
Sights - e.g.
Nature trail at the oxbow lake
The "nature trail at the old arm of the Saar" brings the visitor closer to the village, its ecology and history, as well as the surrounding, typical landscape in an entertaining way.
The route is signposted throughout with hiking signs and the individual stations are also clearly marked in the area. This somewhat "different nature trail" not only describes the village and the landscape, but also gives tips for identifying animals and plants and other useful information, such as recipes for oils and jams made from wild fruits. The 5 km long nature trail leads through the village of Kanzem along the old arm of the Saar, through disused gravel pits, vineyards, meadows and fields.
Start: under the maple tree at the intersection of Saarstraße and Im Krahnen
An accompanying brochure describing the nature trail is available:
- at the tourist information offices in Konz and Saarburg
- at the municipal administration of Kanzem, local mayor Johann Peter Mertes
- in the vinotheque Buch & Wein.
Philosophical Cemetery Garden
Model project for the further development of cemetery culture
Citizens of Kanzemer have dealt with "the meaning of life" and planned, donated and laid out the garden. The form and materials used express the above-mentioned themes in their atmosphere and symbolically. An unused area of the cemetery will be laid out as a landscape garden, which is intended to represent the different stages of human life from birth to death - with the themes
- "Becoming" - childhood and youth
- “Being”-adult life
- “The farewell”-getting older
- "Paradise"-going and dying