life in conc

City and municipality of Konz


Planned logistics point in Konz-Karthaus averted

Planned logistics point in Konz-Karthaus averted

DB Netz AG is no longer pursuing projects with a gravel transshipment point

As company representative Klaus Vornhusen informed Mayor Weber today, DB Netz AG will no longer pursue the planning of a Konz-Karthaus logistics center. The decisive factor for this would be the results of acoustic studies that would conflict with the implementation of the project.

“I am very pleased about this decision by the railway, especially for all residents. The location in the middle of the Karthaus district could not have been realized despite the greatest construction efforts. The residents’ initiative and most recently the city council have formulated this very clearly with their resolution,” said Mayor Weber.

The railway presented the project to the city of Konz's building committee in March of this year.
In the course of this, numerous concerns were expressed about the project by citizens and city committees. An initiative by residents had informed a number of public authorities about the negative attitude towards the project. Mayor Weber has maintained contact with the corporate representative of DB Netz AG and made clear the city's unwillingness to oppose the plans. The city council also recently voted against the project with a unanimous resolution.
The main arguments against the project in Konz-Karthaus were the proximity to the residential development, to the senior citizens' and nursing homes in the immediate vicinity as well as to the kindergarten and the elementary school. In addition, the Karthaus monastery in the immediate vicinity is currently being converted into a neighborhood and community center at a cost of millions.

From the city's perspective, a railway logistics center at this location would not have been sustainable.