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City and municipality of Konz

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Vaccination bus stops in Konz

Vaccination bus stops in Konz -

All information about the offer on November 26, 2021

Go there, show your ID, get a corona vaccination:

At the Friday, November 26th, 2021 , the vaccination bus is coming from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. to Konz-Karthaus to the elementary school St. Johann . The action takes place in the bus and in the adjacent gymnasium. is vaccinated without appointments.

Be performed First and second vaccinations , as Booster vaccinations six months after the second vaccination or three weeks after a Johnson & Johnson vaccination . The special vaccination campaign is being implemented by the German Red Cross.

Johnson & Johnson and BioNTech vaccines are available. Persons aged 12 and over can receive a vaccination if accompanied by a legal guardian. Adolescents between the ages of 16 and 18 can take advantage of the vaccination offer with a written declaration of consent from a legal guardian.

Important: Don't forget your ID!