real estate cadastre excerpts
service description
Owners, authorities and other persons and bodies who demonstrate a legitimate interest can request excerpts and information from the evidence in the real estate cadastre.
Each person is entitled
- to inspect the real estate cadastre and
- Obtain excerpts from the real estate cadastre.
Statements containing owner information are subject to privacy protection because owner information is personal data. Therefore, only authorized persons can request these extracts.
Eligible for extracts with owner details are:
- owner himself,
- Persons with a legitimate interest
This person must indicate the purpose for which they require the extracts.
What documents are required?
The following documents are required to apply for the cadastral extracts:
- identity card
- District, field and parcel number of the property; if not available: location, street and house number
- Application for inspection of the real estate cadastre ; the application can also be filled out on site
- In addition, the cadastral extracts HERE be applied for online
What fees apply?
1. property card 20,00 € 2. Parcel Evidence 3,20 € 3. Parcel and owner proof 3,20 € 4. proof of property 3,20 € 5. proof of ownership 3,20 € 6. proof of inventory 5,40 € 7. inspection Toll-free For the positions 2. until 6. is a minimum fee of 20 €.00 to raise.
Applications / Forms