life in conc

City and municipality of Konz

Political Salon Konz - “New Right Wave?”

Political Salon Konz - “New Right Wave?”

The "Political Salon Konz" is an initiative that was launched more than five years ago by politically interested Konz citizens. The motto of the Political Salon is: Democracy needs political discussion. In the Politische Salon Konz, the focus is on the discussion between the participants. All interested parties from the area of the Konz Association of Municipalities are cordially invited to contribute their point of view, to represent a point of view, even if they are still unsure about it, but also without being afraid to ask questions to which perhaps nobody has an answer. In this sense, a number of explosive and difficult topics have already been discussed at the Political Salon.

The next event will take place on Sunday, November 26th, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the Konzer-Doktor- Bürgersaal, Wiltinger Straße 10-12 . The theme of the event is: “New right wave – will right-wing be normal?”

In Germany, as well as on a global and European scale, interesting political shifts are currently taking place: left-wing positions seem to be losing more and more importance, from which it is not the so-called political center that seems to be benefiting, but rather the political right. Visible signs for us are the constantly increasing support of parties like the AfD, but also other right-wing parties and right-wing populist groups such as the successor party to the NPD ("Heimat"), conspiracy tellers or the "Concerned Citizens", and the increasing adoption of their vocabulary in the ( political) everyday life. So have their thoughts now reached the “center of society” and, if so, what does that mean for our country? Are the options for political action internationally shifting further and further to the right and, if so, what does that mean for the future?
The Political Salon Konz wants to deal with these topics in its next event under the heading “New right-wing wave – will the RIGHT be normal?”
As an expert, Prof. Dr. Markus Linden from the University of Trier, whose research focuses on the topic of “right-wing radicalism”, will take part and provide an impetus for the discussion.

The Political Salon Konz project is supported by the Collaboration Foundation ( ) and through the Partnership for Democracy in the Konz municipality ( ), funded by the Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth as part of the federal program “Living Democracy!”. Further information at