Konz-Oberemmel: "Petschel II"
On this page we would like to give you all the information available regarding the Building area "Petschel II" of district of Konz-Oberemmel make available in bundles.
If you have any questions, the contact persons in the various departments listed on this page will be happy to help you.
Building area "Petschel II" - Konz-Oberemmel
The Petschel II construction area in Konz Oberemmel is on the right-hand side when coming from the direction of Konz, in front of the current entrance to Oberemmel.

development plan
The development plan for the Petschel II residential development was successfully drawn up and has been legally binding since June 6th, 2020. The documents can be viewed here. The building inspector will answer questions about the possibility of development.
The development of the construction area began in summer 2020 and was completed in spring 2021. The project development in Frühauf took care of the implementation of the development, in close coordination with the responsible departments of the city of Konz.
Sale of the land
In the "Petschel II" construction area, 16 building plots were marketed by the municipality of Konz. The sale is complete!